Meet our team

Our trustees

We currently have 17 Trustees who are legally responsible for the Trust. Our Trustees are unpaid volunteers who are legally responsible for the charity. They have a range of backgrounds and are specialists or leaders from a wide range of fields, including business, education, research and law. Many of them live in and around Bedford.

Our newest cohort of nine, went through an open recruitment and selection process, including advertisements in the local and national media and social media. 

The trustees provide leadership and direction to The Trust and make sure the charity’s income is spent wisely and the endowment is carefully invested.

As well as being a part of the Trust’s Governing Body, our Trustees are also members of our school committees and other sub-committees. These committees make decisions about finances, property, grants and policies.

Please refer to our news article about trustee changes following our recent governance review.

Trustee recruitment event May 2018

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